Pretty Penny
Kennels, Plymouth, WI, February 2008 The "breeder" wears heavy
coat and gloves against the WI January chill, while the pups huddle together on
a wire mesh floor in a wire mesh cage. Yes, that is snow you see on the
corrugated metal roof and on the ground. In the dead of a cold Wisconsin
winter, these puppies are living OUTSIDE.
Pretty Penny
Kennels is described in detail in A
Visit To A Wisconsin "Puppy Farm" and in WTMJ's report and video,
"Inside a Puppy
Farm". These were both written in 1999 -- but, as you can see,
nothing has changed in nearly a decade at Pretty Penny Kennels.
To quote the WTMJ
interview, "The sight of dozens of puppies in cages, outdoors, may upset
some people. But it's not against the law." Breeder Gerald Schulz told
reporter Mike Jacobs: "They were outside for a million years. It's only
the last 200 that people have been putting 'em in the house."
UPDATE: Mr. Schulz is out of the "dog business" forever. He
died on June 28, 2022.
May 2014 UPDATE: In 2011, Pretty Penny Kennels applied for and was
granted a "temporary license" under WI Act 90. However, Mr. Schulz
declined to upgrade his facilities to comply with the new regulations, so was
denied a permanent license.
Under the law, Mr. Schulz
may still sell fewer than 25 dogs a year, from three litters. If you have
reason to suspect that he is selling more dogs, or are concerned about the
conditions in which his remaining dogs are being kept, please see our
Filing a Complaint page for details on how to
contact DATCP with your concerns!
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